• New Jersey Edition •



Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital - Morris Plains NJ Real Haunt

  • 59 Koch Ave.
  • Morris Plains, NJ
The Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital in Morris Plains dates back to 1876 and was originally built to alleviate overcrowding at the state's only other asylum in Trenton. At one point, the hospital held over 7,000 patients, its most famous, songwriter Woody Guthrie. Guthrie suffered from Huntington's disease and stayed at the hospital in the late 1950s. The building features over 675,000 square feet and is known to be quite haunted. Many say that it is haunted by the patients that once called the asylum the home. The underground tunnels connected various buildings and were used to transport patients, and they are extremely creepy. Many witnesses feel as though they're being watched while there, never able to get out fast enough.
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  • good

    it wasfun

    Posted 10/14/21

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  • Sadly after many visits here it is gone…

    They tore a piece of my heart when they demolished this building, I visited many times in its abandoned years and a part of me will always miss this place. So many good times.

    Posted 9/5/21

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 5,793
Last edit to this listing: 4/14/2021 (1410 days ago)

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