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Southern Mansion - Real Haunt in Cape May NJ

  • 720 Washington St.
  • Cape May, NJ
Cape May's Southern Mansion was once used as a summer house for businessman, George Allen and his family. The house was in the Allen family for over 80 years and it was built with fine details and an expansive Italian garden. After the Allen's sold the home, it was used as a boarding house. It became run down over the next 50 years before today's owners restored it to the historic home it is today. The mansion is said to be haunted by Ester Allen, George's niece. She is known to linger throughout the home and is a more joyful spirit that is happy to be in her home forever.

Staff, owners, and guests have seen Ester's apparition dancing around the house and they have smelled her perfume as well. When she wanders through the home, rumor has it that you can hear her petticoat. Along with Ester's ghost, it has been said that some of the previous boarders reside there in spirit as well. They are known to be non-hostile and quite playful.
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Visitors to this page: 2,181
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Last edit to this listing: 4/2/2021 (1454 days ago)

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