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The Lady in White - Newark NJ Real Haunts

  • Branch Brook Park
  • Newark, NJ
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the car with her husband on their wedding night when they crashed into a tree, killing her on impact. Witnesses have claimed that they have seen her white apparition when driving through the park. It is spotted near the tree that the car crashed into. Some stories say you can see The Lady in White at night wandering around the tree in a circle. There is also a big, white X painted on the tree, which some believe was the lady’s way of warning motorists of the tricky turn that killed her before the road was rerouted away from the tree.

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  • White lady in the park

    I believe this 100% , in the 70’s my mom took us there to show us and i saw her . She was very nice and friendly. My kids think im crazy but it actually happened

    Posted 6/22/24

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  • Lady in white was real. we saw her in 1968

    I lived in Newark as a kid in the 60's across from branch brook park on highland ave. we would pile in a car at midnight and drive through looking for the lady in white and it was super creepy as you neared the sharp curve by the tree cause you had to go really slow and it would be pitch black out and I swear one time we saw her. her white flowing gown in the dark wandering looking for her dead husband. I last went back in 1983 at 1:00 in the morning on a motorcycle and it was scary as hell. unfortunately the tree was cut down and the bad curve fixed and made to be safer about 25 years a go.

    Posted 7/20/22

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Last edit to this listing: 4/26/2021 (1433 days ago)

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