New Jersey Real Haunted Houses - Houses That are Truly Haunted

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Now operating as a bed and breakfast, this location was settled by Dr. Pitney in 1820. He is often referred to as "the father of Atlantic City," as he was the first who saw the possibilities of Atlantic City as a premier resort city. Pitney was credited for bringing the railroad to Atlantic City. Guests who have stayed at the private cottage have reported hearing an unexplained sound of... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This home dates back to the 19th Century and was built by Edward Zane Collings. It is rumored to be haunted by shadowy figures, disembodied voices and footsteps. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Museums
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Built in the town of Port Monmouth, the Seabrook-Wilson House is one of the oldest surviving houses in the region, according to Monmouth County Park System. The house dates back to around 1650 and was originally a one room cabin that housed Thomas Whitlock and his family. Extensions were added on, and... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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Built between 1762 and 1764, the Proprietary House was once home to William Franklin, the last Royal Governor of New Jersey and illegitimate son of Benjamin Franklin. The building suffered massive damage in a mysterious fire around the time of the Revolutionary War; it was later repaired and briefly flourished as a hotel before the War of 1812 killed local tourism. It was since changed... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places
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Built in 1751, the Old Dutch Parsonage was moved to its current location in 1913. The location is rumored to be quite haunted, with banging, objects being moved around in the night and screaming. The Wallace House is also believed to have a friendly spirit that taps your shoulders or tugs on clothing of guests and guides during tours. During the Revolutionary War, this is the location... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Museums
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The Ayers-Allen House is a historic home that was built in 1740, located in Metuchen, New Jersey. It also goes by the name Allen House Tavern. It is said that it once served as “a tavern where British and Americans met to find common ground over a yard of ale,” according to Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places
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The Dempsey House in Leonardo has some eerie tales surrounding it. The abandoned 1890s-era house was once part of the Dempsey Estate. Local legend says that Mr. Dempsey went insane and killed his entire family. He then allegedly hanged himself from a tree on the property. Trick-or-treaters thought his body was part of some creepy Halloween decorations! His spirit is said to haunt the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places
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Once the home of famed author Stephen Crane, this house now hosts numerous literary events throughout the year. It is also said to be inhabited by ghost children who can be heard playing or crying throughout the building. One ghost is less benign than the others, however, and has been known to hit guests on the head with fireplace tools. The house has even been featured on SyFy's "Ghost... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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The Van Wickle House, which was built in 1722 by Symen Van Wickle House sits at the base of the Delaware and Raritan Canal near the Raritan River. Under the National Register of Historic Places, it’s also known as The Meadows. In 1757 an unfortunate event occurred; on March 3rd, 1757, the home was given to Evert and Cornelia Van Wickle as a wedding present and on that same day they... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places
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This 1770's house was home to Quakers James and Ann Whitall, and was temporarily used as a field hospital during the Revolutionary War. It is rumored to be haunted by ghostly soliders; witnesses have heard moans, breathing, and voices in the rooms that were used for first aid. Cold spots have been reported as well. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Museums
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The Red Mill Museum Village was known as the Red Mill in history. It was built by Ralph Hunt and operated between 1810-1928 as an industrial mill. At its start, it was a mill processing plant for wool and then from 1828 to 1834, it expanded to also grind feed, flour and stone plaster, as well as sold chestnut wood for rails, according to Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Museums
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Ringwood Manor was first built in 1740, but it took years and a change of ownership before it turned into the sprawling 51-room mansion that stands today. Today the manor is a museum open for tours, but at one point it belonged to General Robert Erskine, who ran an iron works and was also the Geographer and Surveyor-General (map maker) for George Washington during the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Cemeteries | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Museums
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Allaire Village is an 1800s living history museum located within Allaire State Park. It was known as an iron-producing, factory-town that was a “self-sufficient community,” according to “The Historic Village of Allaire.” The public today can experience how life was back then in the iron industry and some of its ghostly inhabitants. It... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Museums
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This gorgeous bed and breakfast is believed to be the home to a ghostly little girl who has reportedly been seen and heard bouncing a ball. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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White Hill Mansion in Fieldsboro, New Jersey was built in 1722 by Robert Field. The historical home is known to be one of the most haunted and many paranormal stories exists, including from ghost hunters who’ve entered the home and collected evidence, according to Week in... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds | Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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Cape May is known as “The Nation’s Oldest Seashore Resort,” but it is also host to a variety of haunted places! Cape May makes a perfect spot to go on a ghost tour with numerous haunts. Some of the hotel haunts include Washington Inn, where you may hear the mysterious voice of an elderly woman, or witness a ghostly little girl named Elizabeth call out the names of the wait staff. At... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Museums
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Located next to the Union County Courthouse, Caldwell Parsonage was once home to Reverend James Caldwell and his wife, Hannah. Hannah was shot by British soldiers and, one year later, Caldwell was murdered as well. The building is now a museum, and is said to be haunted by Hannah, who has also been seen in the Union County Courthouse. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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Kean University was established in 1855 in Newark and was originally named the Newark Normal School. In 1958, Kean College moved to Union and then became Kean University in 1997. It is said the school is haunted by ghosts. Among the areas of the school haunted include the Wilkins Theater. According to
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Built between 1760 and 1765 for the wealthy Shippen Brothers, this house changed ownership a number of times before being purchased by the State of New Jersey in 1974. It opened to the public over 20 years later after being restored, and can now be visited. Guests have reported seeing the spirits of a soldier, a little boy in period dress, and a woman's torso that seems to "whoosh"... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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The Emlen Physick Estate in Cape May dates back to 1879 when it was built by Dr. Emlen Physick. The estate is known as Cape May's original haunted house. Legend says that after Dr. Physick, his mother, and sister passed away, no other families lasted very long in the house. The paranormal activity that would take place there would always scare them away. The estate offers ghost tours... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places
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This historic home and farm was first settled in 1650 or 1651, by Catherine and Adrian Hegeman who were from the Netherlands. Relatives lived in the home until 1972, before it stood empty for 5 years after it was purchased and restored by the Meadows Foundation. It has been said that the spirit of an elderly man can be seen walking around the house or looking out the dining room windows,... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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The Henry Ludlam Inn is home to some strange unexplained sounds and occurrences. The inn is reportedly closed now. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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Known as either the "Myers-Masker House" or the "Van Iderstine House," this home was built in 1795 and is believed to be quite haunted. It has been said that Hessian prisoners were held in the home during the Revolutionary War (which was won almost a decade before the home was even built!) Spirits supposedly linger at the home, Hessian or not. Reports of footsteps on the staircase have... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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The Steuben House, also known as the Zabriskie-Steuben House, is a historical landmark, having been used by George Washington as a temporary headquarters for a period of just over two weeks during the Revolutionary War in September 1780. During that time, 14,000 soldiers also camped nearby. New Bridge ended up serving as a battleground, fort, encampment ground, military headquarters,... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places
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Built in the 1700s, Dey (pronounced “dye”) Mansion has seen activity for over 260 years. Known as Bloomsbury Manor at the time of the Revolution, the house played a vital role as it served as Washington’s headquarters twice in 1780 (from July 1-28 and October 8-November 27), according to “Try to Scare Me.” It... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places
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The Gabreil Daveis Tavern House has also been known has the Hillman Hospital House. The historic tavern was built in 1756 in Camden County, New Jersey by Gabreil Daveis to house boatmen with Timber Creek nearby. At one point in time, it was temporarily designated a hospital by General George Washington during the Revolutionary War. According to reporting from
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The Seven Stars Tavern was a popular bar for travelers in the 18th century, and is now on the National Register of Historic Places. It is also quite hosted, with guests reporting the phantoms of several long dead men. One such spirit is Peter Louderback, who allegedly buried his valuables in the ground outside so that the British would not pilfer them during the Revolution and now... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses